People thought that Nintendo had it all together when they first showed off the 3DS. But then it came out. While some still enjoy their 3DS and it is an improvement it has also been a huge dissapointment. Here's why...
Nintendo eShop:
The interface on the eShop is very strange. "Store Shelves" include "Hungry?, Extreme Games (which consists of hangman and Moto eXtreme), and Party to the People. Why? And with a lack of any good original or Virtual Console games it seems more like a glorified DSi Shop then anything else.
How to Fix:
The eShop does have a tile for Search but most people wouldn't think to go to it. If you go to the Search tab then you'll be able to find normal categories. Nintendo needs to make that known to shoppers or fix the tile system so it's seperated like the Search categories. And Nintendo needs to support the eShop if nobody else is. Some original games on it would make it worth checking out. And no more of this one or two eShop games a week. There are so many games for Gameboy, Gameboy Color, Advance, Game Gear, and more that they are sure to be good for a long time. Also use notifications to remind me every week once it's updated. If my system was glowing blue I'm sure it would remind me to check it.
Nintendo Video:
While it's a very good idea since Youtube won't work with the 3DS the Nintendo Video App isn't that great. Mostly because all of your videos go away in three days. Nintendo did this so even if you don't have internet available you could watch anywhere almost like having 3G. But that means you could miss out on older videos.
How to Fix:
Nintendo needs to overhaul Nintendo Video. Make it like Youtube more so that if you do have internet you can watch any video that has been put on it so far. But so that you can still watch videos anywhere let people save four favorites to the SD Card so that when they open up Nintendo Video they'll be able to watch them. Or better yet, let us watch YouTube on our 3DS!!!
Nintendo promised that we would be able to multitask with the 3DS and they didn't lie, we can....... to an extent. But only to an extent. We can check our friends list, browser the web, write notes or check notifications. But that's it. Now I would love to play Zelda and listen to Linkin Park but for some reason Nintendo doesn't feel the same way.
How to Fix:
Update the OS with multitasking. Let me listen to music while I go to my other apps at least. I can do it on my phone so I should do it here too.
Friends List:
For people like me the friends list works great. I only have about ten friends online so srollinng through isn't a hassle. But for people with 60 friends finding a certain person can be hard. With a oldest to newest sorting and no search you have to go one by one scanning. And Nintendo's message system consists of the smallest status' in the world with the hope that your friend is checking ur status as you update.
How to Fix:
Add a search bar so we can search for certain friends. Oh and let us send actual messages. When we hover over a friends icon give us a button to send a message. Doing this would make setting up online games much easier. I shouldn't need to call someone to set up my game in 2011.
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