In case you missed it, yesterday I featured a farm that was almost completely covered by a massive hedge maze. But while it looked aesthetically pleasing, it wasn't the hardest maze to complete. So if you haven't solved yesterday's featured FarmVille maze farm, I suggest you go check it out now.
Otherwise, I invite you to solve this new maze. Cotopaxi's labyrinth was nicely spaced and had a nice square design. Today's featured FarmVille maze, while not as pretty, is just plain difficult. Also, it doesn't look like the farm artist ever finished the maze. All that open space must have originally been for the hedge maze, but the starving artist ran out of money. Imagine how hard the full sized maze would have been...
Unfortunately, as of posting this FarmVille Pic of the Day, I still have not solved this puzzle.
Have you been able to solve today's featured FarmVille maze?
If you have an AWESOME FarmVille farm that you want to see featured on, please email a picture to, Include a few words about the inspiration for your design and maybe a few tips for people who need an assist!
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