Since FrontierVille on launched in June 2010, the Wild West game shot to the top of Facebook game charts and has been holding steady at #3 behind FarmVille and Zynga Poker. And while this game doesn't have the same number of players as FarmVille, I'd venture to say it takes the best of FarmVille -- tending crops and harvesting animals -- and wraps it in a more sophisticated game experience, complete with a charming pioneer theme with universal appeal, a endless series of goals to keep you busy, and in-game rewards that will keep you coming back for more.
When the game launched, blog created a comprehensive FrontierVille energy guide, and now we're back with another round of six tips (plus a bonus tip), cultivated from months turning our piece of the wilderness into a thriving pioneer town.
frontierville cheats and tips six easy1. Keep your varmints handy
One of the first things you'll learn while playing FrontierVille clobbering varmints – snakes, bears, groundhogs and foxes – is hard work and takes up a lot of your energy. Almost every time you dig up a skull, you'll find a snake, chop down a big tree a bear will appear. So, if you want varmints to make an appearance less often -- here's what you do. Get snakes or bears to spawn in an out-of-the-way place on your property. Or, if that's impossible, whack them a few times to move them out of the way. Then leave them there. Now, the next time you harvest a crop, or chop down a tree, no varmints will spawn because they're already on your property.
2. Don't cash in your Collections until you need 'em
As you play FrontierVille, you will constantly find items that will fill out your Collections. Once the Collections are complete you can turn them in for special items or bonuses. While you will be tempted to turn collections in upon completion – don't. There are many Goals where you will be required to turn in Collections and then use the resulting item to complete it.
3. Don't clear Thorns/Skulls/Big Trees right away
When you start FrontierVIlle, you might be tempted to clear out all of your land, including large trees, thorns and skulls. Don't. Why? You'll need those thorns and skulls for missions later in the game and if you waste all of your energy on chopping down trees, you won't have much left to do other things required to complete Goals.
4. Make your Neighbor Visits Worthwhile
Visiting your neighbor's properties in FrontierVille can help you earn extra energy, coins and cloth – but once you're there, you can take extra steps to get the most out of your neighbor visit. Basically, harvest crops and animals that will get you the most bang for your buck, e.g. peanuts, peas, adult Oxen and peach trees.
5. Use your Wishlist Wisely
Every pioneer has a Wishlist that they can fill with items that they want to request from friends. A few tips on that front – don't include items that are available as free gifts and you can increase your changes of completing Collections that are more common – Apple Tree, Chickens, etc – since they're 'common' more people probably have extras to pass along to you, and you can in-turn, use those items to complete Collections for a bonus or complete a Goal faster down the line.
6. Use your Bonus Meter Wisely
At the top of the screen is a Bonus Meter, and the more times you fill it up to the top (by collecting coins, loot, hearts, etc from harvesting) the more bonus coins you will earn. One of the easiest ways to make sure you maximize your bonus is by harvesting items that are close together, then pick things up quickly so you will fill up the meter. When the meter starts flashing red, that means you only have mere moments left to click on another dropped item to keep the meter going up. If you meter stops flashing red, then you'll have to start over from scratch.
frontierville badgesBonus Tip:
Badges: Make like a Boy Scout and Earn 'em
This recently launched feature is one of the easiest ways to get quick coin and other valuable loot in FrontierVille. You can find the badges in the menu or by clicking on your Jackalope Lodge. Earning these badges will often get you 25+ XP on completion.
Check out the rest of our FrontierVille Cheats & Tips right here.
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